Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fear The Power of Dracula SCRIPT

Well, doesn't look like I'll be able to upload my Dracula film, but I can at least upload the second draft of the script.

Here ya go:

INT. A castle study- night

DEREK RENFIELD can be seen sitting in his study, laughing to himself as he reads a novel. We hear a loud crash in a downstairs room, the crash makes him jump in his chair and drop the novel.

Good lord, what was that sound?

RENFIELD sits up, puts on his coat and goes through the door onto a flight of stairs to investigate.

RENFIELD (cont.)(to himself)
It appears to be coming from the basement... strange.

RENFIELD moves down the flight of stairs.

Continuing to:

Int. A Flight Of Stairs (LEADING FROM STUDY)- Night

At the bottom of the stairs there is door. RENFIELD slowly opens the door. RENFIELD looks through the door only to look away a moment later.

A hand moves around the door and flings it open, this is the hand of DRACULA.
DRACULA steps out from behind the door triumphantly.

DRACULA stares at a terrified RENFIELD- we see a CLOSE-UP of DRACULA's eyes.
RENFIELD grabs his head and screams in pain as he drops to the floor.

INT. Theatre- night

We see JOHNATON HARKER and his wife MINA sitting in theatre enjoying a performance(offscreen). They are fully engrossed in the production.

DRACULA, now dressed in modern attire, moves along the row of theatre seats.

Ah, Mr. Harker, may I join you?

Of course, of course! Mina, this is Count Dracula, he's just bought the house next door.

MINA stares at DRACULA's eyes, they glow in the dark of the theatre. 

JONATHON taps MINA hand in order  to get her attention, he appears worried.

Mina my dear, are you feeling alright?

MINA blinks, breaking her stare. She lifts her hand to her forehead, feigning tiredness.

Oh Johnathon, I'm not feeling too well, please take me home.

JONATHON nods and MINA and JOHNATHON begin to leave.

Sorry about this Count, I'll see you at our house party tomorrow.

DRACULA smiles and nods in response as MINA and JOHNATHON  walk down the row.

INT: house, day

Mina turns to Johnathon with a worried look on her face.

Johnathon, you shouldn't have invited that man, he's dangerous!

Johnathon laughs and gives her a bemused look.

Oh come on, he's an aristocrat, why the apprehension.

I don't know, something about him just doesn't seem... normal.

Johnathon gives her a disappointed look.

Is it because he's a Roma?

Mina looks shocked and offended.

Of course not! Please my love, have Dr. Van Helsing research this man!

Johnathon ponders this for a moment before nodding. Mina smiles and the two walk away.

INT. House, night

Mina, unable to sleep, strolls though the corridors at night. She suddenly turns a corner and sees Dracula, who has been waiting for her. Mina runs down the hallway and into one of the rooms, then out of one of the other rooms.

During this a gorrila randomly starts chasing them, then comes stops in the middle of the hallway, does a chest pound, and disappears into one of the rooms.

This goes on until Dracula realises HE'S being chased by Mina, then goes after her again. He gets her into a corner and Mina screams as he lifts his cape to feed. 

From the cape covering the screen we fade to black.

INT. Van helsing's office, night

Johnathon is speaking to Van Helsing at his desk next to several bookcases.

Mina wanted me to ask you if you could investigate Count Dracula. Van Helsing's eyes widen as he hears the name.

Dracula?! By all that is holy we're screwed!

What is it Doctor? Have you met him before?

Van Helsing falls into his seat, looking clearly troubled as he explains.

My ancestors once did, they fought many times. But no matter what, Dracula returned, always more powerful.

Johnathon looks shocked and amazed at Van Helsing.

Are you serious Doctor?

Van Helsing suddenly brakes out of his dooming look, suddenly becoming very serious.

I am serious, we must go. If I'm right he'll be after Mina as we speak.

Johnathon goes white with fear, realizing he left her home alone.


Van Helsing and Johnathon break through the door and walk in. They look around and notice Mina lying unconscious on the floor. Johnathon runs over and lifts her up, checks her pulse, and pleads for her to wake up.

Mina! MINA! Wake up!

Van Helsing walks over and makes an observation.

She's alive... For now.

We must find Dracula and stop him.

Van Helsing and Johnathon look and briefly see a shadow running down a hall. 

INT Hallway, night

They follow it into the hallway, where they see Dracula with his back to them. Hearing them, he turns around, hissing, with a monstrous look on his face.

Van Helsing and Johnathon are shocked by Dracula's true face. Eventually composing himself, Van Helsing holds up a crucifix, causing Dracula to turn in fear.

They begin to chase after him when suddenly Renfield comes in and attacks Van Helsing. The ensuing fight leaves Van Helsing unconscious. Johnathon punches Renfield out and takes Van Helsing's crucifix.

Johnathon finds Dracula hiding under some coats next to a window. This makes Johnathon raise an eyebrow.

... Seriously?

Johnathon shrugs and lifts up the coats, exposing Dracula to the sunlight, reducing him to a smoking skeleton.

Mina, now awake, runs into Johnathon's arms and they give Dracula one final look before walking away.

We then see Renfield again, lying unconscious. Suddenly, his eyes open and he smiles, revealing a set of Fangs.

The words "The End?" appear on screen and the film ends.

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